The triangle strategy pays great attention to the time to give you several options to how to play the game, and this topic is largely applied to building a team. There are more than 15 game characters that can be hired to fight for the House of Wolfforta during the story of the Triangle Strategy. However, when these potential teammates can be purchased, first of all, it is decided by the convictions of SERINA, which means that not everyone wants to immediately join Serena's retinue. One of these characters is the grandson of a powerful archman. Narva Oparyn . That's how to hire Narva Oparin in a triangle strategy.
Note: follow the secondary spoilers of the characters of Narva Oparne.
Where to find and recruit Narve Oparyn
The story of Narva characters may appear on the world map at any time after the history of the characters will be presented in Chapter V: invaded Darkness Although he does not suit the party, while convictions of Serena were sufficiently strengthened to fit it. If you have any problems with the appearance of Narva, do not worry - just focus on strengthening Sernea's beliefs, participating in imitation battles or the main plot events. This impressive sage will begging to join your list in the shortest possible time.
As soon as the story of his character will be discovered, Watch the cat-scene of the story Meet Narva Oparin and learn about his grandfather, the archman Grandante. Narna dreams of restoring the honor of his late grandfather and went on a journey, trying to create a name in the process all the time. House of Salea Wolffort invites Narva to the ranks of the house Wolffort, seeing his magic power in action. Unlock it as a gaming character .
Ability to Narva Oparin
Being grandson and protege of the Grand Archman Grandante, Narva has access to a set Healing and spontaneous magic . His initial weapon is the oak rod, which he uses as the focus of the energy necessary to utter his spells.
The vortex causes a huge whirlwind, Damage type of wind Any enemies falling into its radius. This spell also changes the direction in which the affected enemies are watching that allows your characters to make critical strikes easier.
Ice breathing and burns are two spells used by Korentine and Frederica, respectively, and they work the same when NARV imposes. Ice breathing causes Frosty spikes break out of the ground under the enemies within a radius of action, and burns the burn Fire explosion Ski any enemy in the field of its action.
Although it cannot use such a variety of fire or ice spells, like Korentine and Frederick, the ability of Narva to use both types of magic makes it an invaluable member of any team. Combine this with its ability to wind, lightning and healing magic, and Narva has all the deposits to become a terrifying nature of nature on the battlefield!
Looking for more interesting Content Triangle Strategy? Be sure to look All game units in Triangle Strategy (and how to hire them) here, in Pro Game Guides.
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