Achieving the rank 20 of the adventure in Genuine Impact will give you access to the Battle Pass, and one of the regular weekly challenges to gain experience to classify it is to kill 10 elite opponents. If you are wondering what elite opponents are really, this guide will tell you everything you need to know.
The good news is that they are extremely easy to find, provided you have a little explored the map and played some story. The bad news is that elite opponents tend to be among the hardest patterns of the game.
Elite opponents are any enemy who has its own icon on the map. They tend to appear at high levels and to be quite long and involved in fighting with several mechanisms. They are also excellent spoils and ascension equipment for your characters, so you'd better get used to fighting them often.
These included:
HYPOSTASES AEMO Electro-hypostasis Geo-hypostasis
Cry Relieving
Pro Relieving
Ocean ides
Boreas — The North Wolf
As already indicated, these bosses tend to be difficult fighting, and you will want to have the right team type to face them and be at a suitable level. Although you can technically confront them even if they were much higher than you, they tend to make considerable damage, so you will need a lot of care during the fighting. The weekly challenge is to eliminate ten, and you do not need to use your original resin to get rewards, you just have to fight them.
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