In Back 4 Blood you can sneak out on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4 and Xbox ONE as a four-squad from October 12, 2021, PS4, and Xbox ONE. The shooter offers you alternatively to draw alone in the solo campaign in the fight against the undead. However, there are some restrictions that make some players currently pretty foxing.
Restrictions for card collectors
What limitations are there? As soon as you start the solo campaign, a note in the game will appear that certain features are no longer accessible. These include u. A. The supply points that you can earn to buy cards and cosmetic items for online mode.
Why can not I earn supply points? In solo mode, all cards are already unlocked, with which some variety is made in the gameplay. Thus, in solo mode, it is no longer necessary to collect the necessary supply points.
The following features can not be experienced in solo mode:
Player invitations
Collect Supply Points
Recording statistics
Collect advances in achievements
Developer team promises improvement
The playership has then reacted with strong criticism as they receive no rewards for games. But the criticism apparently did not come across deaf ears. On Twitter, the developer team of Turtle Rock Studios praised namely improvement and promised to think about possible ways to implement the solution to the problem:
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Unfortunately, those responsible have not revealed when they can count on a solution to the problem. It is also not certain that the promised changes will come in the future. It could be that Turtle Rock Studios simply finds no solution to the problem.
Anyone who wants to prepare for the upcoming launch can lead themselves to the corresponding trailer here:
It s about 4 blood
The Zombie Shooter Back 4 Blood is from the creators of Left 4 Dead and Evolve. With up to three players you have to fight through zombiehords and flit away from Safehouse to Safehouse to get you safe. On the way your weapons and medipacks collect to be able to assert you against the opponent groups.
If you want to experience the title for a launch, you can access the Xbox Game Pass on Xbox One and Xbox Series X / S. Back 4 Blood appears to the launch directly in the Game Pass and is therefore completely free for all with appropriate subscription.
What do you think of the missing features of the solo campaign?
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